La cantera funcionó hasta el año 1970.
Fono: 045 - 2711805 Veterinaria Caupolicán - Angol
Sra. Cecilia Echaiz E. - 9 9067 0969
Nuestras coordenadas geográficas son:
37°50'42.89"S 72°43'51.09"O
Contamos con 30 quinchos habilitados rodeados de naturaleza, una cascada hermosa, una preciosa laguna, mucha agua que contrasta con el entorno que rodea este verdadero oasis en el cual podrás disfrutar de un día de campo junto a tu familia, amigos o compañeros de trabajos.
- Un quincho para hacer sus asados.
- Botes y Bicicletas acuáticas.
Puedes disfrutar de una entretenida cabalgata en la cual te guiaran por senderos entre los bosques que rodean nuestro entorno por los cuales llegaras a una hermosa cascada y podrás maravillarte con la vista panorámica de nuestro centro turístico.
Para los apasionados de los deportes extremos contamos con un canopy, en el cual sentirás la adrenalina al cruzar en dos oportunidades la laguna a una altura considerable.
Contamos con una piscina temperada techada; donde además de disfrutar de un rato agradable en el agua caliente, podrás solicitar un WATSU, que es una terapia corporal que combina movimientos rítmicos dentro de la piscina, activación de articulaciones, se enfatiza la elongación del cuerpo para abrir los canales de energía y facilitar el estado de sanción, armonizar las energías del cuerpo logrando un estado de bienestar general, integra cuerpo, mente y espíritu.
Baño de vapor el cual tiene beneficios sobre el organismo, al liberar, mediante nuestro sudor, que suele ser abundante y rápido, toxinas y activar la circulación sanguínea. Siempre va acompañada con contrastes de temperatura, a la sesión de calor le sigue una de enfriamiento, que amplía los efectos de la sudoración. Se toma con fines higiénicos y terapéuticos.
Contamos con 2 cabañas, cada una con capacidad para 6 personas y amplio espacio para compartir en familia o con amigos, con el valor de la cabaña tienes derecho a:
1. Piscina.
2. Botes y bicicletas Acuáticas.
3. Piscina Temperada
4. Sauna.
Por grupo de mayor cantidad de personas (50) o instituciones se le hará descuento.
Fono contacto: (45) 2711805
9 9847 5321 - 9 9067 0969
Sra. Cecilia Echaiz Echaiz.
Tarifas sujetas a modificación de temporada / Cerrado Momentaneamente
Como llegar
Nuestro Centro Turístico Cantera Deuco se encuentra al sur del centro de la ciudad de Angol, teniendo como acceso principal por calle Rancagua dentro de la ciudad, que consta de 3 kms. pavimentando y 4 ripiado.
Camino a Angol vía Los Sauces
Camino asfaltado en aproximadamente 3kms, llegando al cruce son 6kms de camino de ripio.
Camino Angol vía Vegas Blancas por el Rosario
Camino ripiado en 9.75kms aprox. Llegando al cruce en el sector Los Placeres, continua camino de ripio 7.45kms. aprox. en dirección a Deuco.
Las instalaciones cuentan con: Pérgolas techadas, espacios para picnic, mesones, fogones, bancas, asientos, lavaderos, parrillas, además de baños y duchas.
3 Piscina; una al aire libre, orgánica con piedras y cascada y finalmente una temperada.

It is located 8 km from Angol, they hide a number of facts of our history, as well as the beautiful landscape.
They are divided into 2 sectors, private and municipal area
In the particular sector of the quarries, you will find a nice place of relaxation, picnic zone, boats, water bikes, kayak, horseback riding, trekking, also has two swimming pool with cold water and a sector of Spa pool with temperate waters.

In 1884, the President Federico Santa María asked to find a place from where it could be extracted material to build the railroad Angol - Traiguen.
Amadeo Martínez, who was the owner of quarries started working the place, where arrived 90 workers who lived there with their families.
The way to extract the rock was very rudimentary, and therefore, it is said that there were quite a few accidents of workers, since they did not have any protection: "When they dynamited, they were hiding in a houses of rocks".
Under the hills which surround the quarry there are built 4 tunnels, which served to divert the waters, but when they stopped working in the quarries began to fill the empty forming the lagoons.
The quarry worked until 1970.
Phone: 45 2711805 Veterinaria Caupolican - Angol
Ms. Cecilia Echaiz E. - 9 90670969
Our coordinates are:
37°50'42.89"S 72°43'51.09"W
We have 30 authorized barbecue areas surrounded by nature, a beautiful waterfall, a beautiful lagoon, lots of water, which contrasts with the environment that surrounds this oasis in which you can enjoy a day along with your family, friends or work colleagues.
With its ticket has right to: - Swimming pool, cold water
- A barbecue.
- Boats and water bikes.
You can enjoy a horse ride in which will guide you by trails through the woods surrounding our environment, you will arrive at a beautiful waterfall and you will marvel at the panoramic view of our resort.
For extreme sports enthusiasts, we have a canopy, in which you will feel the adrenaline twice crossing the lagoon to a considerable height.
We have an indoor heated swimming pool; where you can enjoy a good time in the hot water, you can request a WATSU, which is a body therapy that combines rhythmic movements inside the pool, activation of articulations, emphasizes the elongation of the body to open the energy channels and facilitate health, harmonize the energies of the body achieving a welfare state, integrates body, mind and spirit.
A steambath which has benefits to the organism, release tension, through our sweat, which tends to be abundant and fast, toxins and activate the blood circulation. Always accompanied by temperature contrasts, the session of heat followed by a cooling, which extends the effects of sweating. It has hygienic and therapeutic purposes.
We have 2 cabins, each one with capacity for 6 people and ample space to share with family or friends, with the ticket of the cabin you have right to:
1. Swimming Pool.
2. Boats and water bikes.
3. Heated Swimming Pool.
4. Sauna.
Per group of more (50) people or institutions you will have discount.
Contact phone: 45 2711805
9 9847 5321 - 90670969 or
Ms. Cecilia Echaiz Echaiz.
Our Tourist Center is located south from the center of the Angol city, having as main access from Rancagua Street within the city, that consist of 3 km paving and 4km of gravel road.
Angol - Los Sauces road
Asphalted road in approximately 3 km, arriving at the crossing are 6 km of gravel road.
Angol - Vegas Blancas road by El Rosario
Gravel road 9.75 km approx. Arriving at the crossing in sector Los Placeres, gravel road 7.45 km approx. in Deuco direction.
Our facilities include: Roofed pergolas, picnic zone, countertops, campfire, benches, seats, sinks, grills, also baths and showers.
3 Swimming Pool; outdoors, organic with stones and waterfall, and finally one heated.